Virtual Cards Against Humanity

Virtual Cards Against Humanity Average ratng: 7,3/10 2948 votes

Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. And now you can add it to your list of iso boredom busters – because lets you play Cards Against Humanity online with your mates. It’s pretty easy to get started. To Play Cards Against Humanity Online. Go to Virtual Tabletop. Cards Against Coronavirus An online, multiplayer version of Cards Against Humanity to help us pass the time during lockdown.

  1. Cards Against Humanity Online Friends
  2. Play Cards Against Humanity Online With Friends

Play Online With Your Friends for Free

The free online cards against humanity alternative

Sep 03, 2018 Pretend You're Xyzzy is a Cards Against Humanity clone, which is available at, where you can buy it or download and print it out yourself. It is distributed under a Creative Commons - Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike license. This web version is in no way endorsed or sponsored by

How does it work? It's simple

  • Cards Against Humanity Lab CAH Lab is played by just one person per game and involves an AI dealing one black card and a selection of white cards. The player has to choose the funniest card, or in.
  • World's #1 website for multiplayer Cards Against Humanity online! Available in 17 languages for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android.

1. Hit Play Now and Invite Friends

Then either start a new game or join an existing game. If you start a new game you'll receive a short code you can share with your friends to join your game.

2. A Card is Called

Have your friends enter the code you created in step 1. You're now ready to play wicked cards against your friends. Setup a zoom, skype or google conference calland let the hijinx ensue. You will need a minimum of 3 players.

3. Everyone submits a response

A Prompt will appear at the top of your screen with a blank space to fill in and you will have a list of cards underneath it. Select the card that you think matches the blank the best (or is the funniest).

4. Everyone Votes

Once everyone has selected their card one of the players will read out the prompt with each card filling the blank. Then everyone can vote for their favorite answer and the player with the most votes wins the round. First to 10 wins the game!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I win?

For each round everyone playing is able to cast their vote for the most entertaining card. Play to your audience and choose a card you think appeals most to the people you're playing with.

Are there special rules?

Cards against humanity online friends
You may not vote for your own card, it's not even clickable so don't even try.

How many people can play?

There are no limits but it's best to keep a game 10 or below simply because it takes too long for everyone to cast a vote if you have more than that many people playing.

Is this Cards Against Humanity?

2 player cards against humanity online
No, while there are similarities between the two Wicked Cards is different in a number of ways. Firstly we are online only. Unlike Cards against humanity there is no judge appointed for each round, everyone is able to vote for their favourite card. Thirdly points are given for each vote you receive so you can still do well without winning a round. Lastly our decks are created by the community and selected based upon usage to ensure a constantly evolving fun deck of cards.
© Provided by TechRadar Cards Against Humanity online

It's easy to play Cards Against Humanity online, without needing to buy a pack of cards or any fancy gadgetry. All it takes is a computer or smartphone, and a webcam if you want people to see your cringing face too.

Other things to do online

If you're stuck at home away from people, you might quickly run out of things to do - the best board games only last so long, listening to music with people online doesn't keep feeling personal forever, and mobile games to play with family get old when you're sick to death of your loved ones.

It's great then that everyone's favorite nihilistic game, Cards Against Humanity, can be played online.

Cards Against Humanity is a popular card game (no points for guessing that) which challenges players to come up with funny answers to a question in order to win rounds. You don't need to be witty, or absurd, in order to win - this is a game where being inappropriate is the way to win.

If you're playing on a smartphone, maybe a tablet with a bigger screen will be useful? Check out our list of the best tablets, as well as the best iPads and best Android tablets.

But those packs you're playing Cards Against Humanity with don't need to be physical ones, and it's very possible to play the game online with people on your computer or smartphone, or even play against an AI supercomputer that undoubtedly looks like South Park's Funnybot.

We'll take you through a few options you've got. So set up your video call, get those friends or family ready, and boot up one of these websites.

Update: Cards Against Humanities just launched a new family-friendly version of its game, that you can download as a PDF and print out in your own home. This version has cards that your 8-or-above-year-old will enjoy, and you don't need to leave the house to get it, though you will need to find a printer.

© Provided by TechRadar

Cards Against Humanity on CAH Store If you've seen all these options and still want to buy a physical set of Cards Against Humanity, because you like real objects or just want to support the creators, the game's store has sets for you. In addition its extra boxes with 300 cards, or smaller themed expansions with 30 cards, are all available too.

How to play Cards Against Humanity online: your three options

  1. it's simple to set up, but also a little simplistic in play
  2. Pretend You're Xyzzx: this is more complicated to organize, but all the expansions are here and you can fit more players
  3. Cards Against Humanity Labs: a single-player experience testing future cards out.

How to play Cards Against Humanity Online: our guides

Humanity© Provided by TechRadar (Image credit: PlayingCards)

Option 1:

Virtual cards against humanity

Players: 1-6 Expansions: None

You can see what others are doing

If you just want to jump into a game of Cards Against Humanity online with a few friends, we'd recommend this option as it's the simplest, although there are no expansions and the software is... well, simple.

To use it, head to, head down to 'Remote Insensitivity' and click it. (We know, this isn't the name of the game you were expecting to play, we'll get to that). Then click 'Start Game', share that link with your co-carders so they can jump in too and select 'Enter Game'.

Now you've got a digital card board, with black and white cards at the top (with discard piles), space to play white cards in the middle, winning piles for your black cards to the left and right, and a large white box at the bottom. This white box is your private area, as no-one else can see cards here, while they can everywhere else.

The computer isn't going to play the game for you, and in playing cards you have to deal, move cards about, and discard by yourself. This recreates the feel of playing it in real life, but it can be a bit of a nuisance that the game isn't automated for you.

It's possible to see where your co-carders' mouses or fingers are too (as this works whether you're playing on computer or smartphone, and the players can be on either), so you can see who's dealing or if someone is trying to peek at cards you've played.

So why are you playing 'Remote Insensitivity' instead of 'Cards Against Humanity'? Well, we'll quote the website itself from a tweet on the matter. 'In order to comply with the CAH trademark, we're substituting the game with 'Remote Insensitivity'. It has all the same cards thanks to the CAH card text being licensed under Creative Commons'. So this is still a valid way of playing Cards Against Humanity.

Play: head to this website

© Provided by TechRadar (Image credit: Pretend You're Xyzzy)

Option 2: Pretend You're Xyzzy

A more complicated but expansive alternative

Players: 3-20 Expansions: All

Pretty complicated to set up

There are some limitations on the previous entry that this option fixes: namely, you can fit far, far more people in a game, and also you can use any of the numerous expansions should you wish.

Pretend You're Xyzzy is a version of cards against humanity that may not look great, but lends itself to a better experience if you want depth of play. Head to the website, find yourself a unique username, click 'Create Game' in the top left corner, share your URL to your friends so they can join too, and while you wait customize the options you want to play.

When enough people have joined, you can kick off and play that game with as many expansions and extra rules as you like, like a time multiplier or points limit. You can also let people be spectators, and watch without playing.

Pretend You're Xyzzy has a chat log so you don't actually need to be on a video call to play, and you can set a password if you don't want certain friends joining. However, the UI doesn't exactly look as pretty as the alternatives on this list.

Play: head over to this website

© Provided by TechRadar (Image credit: Cards Against Humanity)

Option 3: Cards Against Humanity Lab

Players: One Expansions: Just future cards

Your online friend is a computer

Cards Against Humanity has its own way to play online, of sorts, but it's not exactly a social experience.

Cards Against Humanity Online Friends

CAH Lab is an AI that plays you a black card, and gives you a selection of white cards. You have to choose the funniest, or proclaim that none are funny, and keep playing. The point of this is not for you to have fun, but for the AI to learn which cards are best, but it's still a pretty enjoyable experience if no-one's around to play.

The CAH AI can come up with some pretty spectacular choices, and it can be familiar to anyone who plays the base game with the 'Rando Cardissian' rule, which involves playing an extra white card each turn on behalf of a ghostly extra.

Lots of the cards that you find in the CAH Lab are ones that aren't actually in the game packs. This can give you an insight into future expansions, and can be refreshing when games with the base pack quickly become routine. Some of them are... less than funny though.

Play Cards Against Humanity Online With Friends

Play: head over to this website